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AZILAL rugs often tell stories through their use of bold colors and patterns. Originating from the high Atlas mountains, these sought-after creations are single, knotted and woven in wool with intricate patterns and symbolish.


The base of an Azilal rug is mostly a light shade of cream or white - the natural color of the wool used - then woven with brightly tinted wool colored by the regional flora.


SKU: KBRUG2020-082
  • Vintage Azilal Rug

    Handmade Wool

    43 in x 86 in

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    Do you ship internationally? We ship worldwide with no country restrictions, Shipping costs are determined at checkout, All international orders are shipped within 5-7 business days, once the order is shipped, you will receive an email confirmation with the tracking number, the customer is responsible for any taxes or customs fees charged by their local government.


    What is your return policy?  Due to the unique nature of our rugs and the difficulty shipping, all sales are final. Please feel free to contact us with any questions prior to purchasing.

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